Note from Alice
My passion for digital marketing for accountants and bookkeepers began when I was a office junior.
The practice was attempting to hire marketing consultants who had some new ideas but nothing too different from the archaic methods the industry has used for marketing for years.
The partners were so reluctant to try digital marketing and yet they knew their marketing was not working.
After creating a presentation and presenting to the partners the benefits of social media nothing was implemented.
So I left it there.
I have since worked with marketing departments in other industries and studied digital marketing.
I was told often in practice its so much harder to market accountancy services. I do not believe it true its no different to marketing any other service based business. And can be done successfully.
I keep coming across social media profiles and websites with the same content from years ago and the bland corporate blue brand colours.
I have founded the 5th of 4 Agency to revolutionize the marketing methods used by accountants and bookkeepers.
No more branding a budget pack with a logo or un-engaging tax updates.